Anna’s Webcam

Anna's Webcam

Anna Henson's webcam is actually not one webcam but two webcams. One webcam is inside the body of the installation and captures the bodies that spontaneously perform for it. The performance is then projected onto a membrane in the front of the room and captured by the second webcam and projected back onto the chamber of the installation where the performance is happening. This interaction is happening in real time, and the performer can see the changes of light. The recursive nature of the interaction is tangible immediately spawning more play and performance.

One important note: We are not recording the participants through these webcams.

Album: Soma

Tags: #Bodies #body #experiment #Performance Art #powder room #sculpture #space #Virtual Reality #VR #interaction #immersion #presence #Art #Fine Art #dork #installation #projection #field #collaboration #CMU #chardaviesismyhero #Holodeck #VRwithoutVR

Soma, 2018, Char and Emily

Soma, 2018, Char and Emily

Close-up of Char's projection on the walls of the installation. This figure was captured at CMU's Panoptic Studio as a point cloud and manipulated by Char. Emily's organic seats were crafted for the space with the intention of creating a communal space to observe the projections and have a conversation.

Char Stiles

Emily deGrandpré

Album: Soma

Tags: #Art #Bodies #body #chardaviesismyhero #CMU #collaboration #dork #experiment #field #Fine Art #Gravity Sketch #Holodeck #immersion #installation #interaction #Performance Art #powder room #presence #projection #sculpture #space #Virtual Reality #VR #VRwithoutVR

Time On Line, 2018

Time On Line, 2018

Image from a virtual sculpture that was created from tracing my body as I walked around a square outline on the floor. This work is inspired by Bruce Nauman's Walking in an Exaggerated Manner around the Perimeter of a Square. Holding a handheld Vive controller to my body to make the "tracing" in VR while trying to walk the perimeter of a square in fact did create a very exaggerated movement.

Dimensions are indeterminate

Album: Field of Bodies

Tags: #Art #dork #Gravity Sketch #Performance Art #Virtual Reality #VR #Bodies #body #experiment